Divide the k own number by the percentage:
66 / 0.75 = 88
66 is 75% of 88
The number in the blank box should be 44 because it said that "3 times x and 4 times y is 44".
You need to multiply the first equation by 3:
3x + 3y = 39.
Then, subtract the first equation from the second equation:
3x - 3x = 0
4y - 3y = y
44 - 39 = 5
Your new equation should look like this: y = 5
Now, substitute y = 5 into the first original equation:
x + 5 = 13
x = 8
Ans. (x, y) = (8, 5)
i don't get u
Step-by-step explanation:
the unit of the rate is 3.5cm since, the rate is 8,28. The two point lies on 3.5
What are the major elements present in carbohydrates? <br>C,H,O<br>C,H,O,N<br>C,H,O,N,P<br>C,Fe,Si
Allushta [10]
i think its C, H, O but i could be wrong
Step-by-step explanation: