An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.
The language that tells others that our feelings, thoughts, and opinions are separate from theirs is an "I" language.
I language in linguistics, also known as Internal language, refers to a person's perception and understanding of a language as opposed to how it is communicated and transmitted in society at large.
An assertive, non-aggressive method to convey your thoughts and feelings is by using "I" language, commonly referred to as "I" statements. People are more apt to listen and feel less defensive when you use the "I" pronoun. By doing this, you may diffuse situations and establish yourself politely.
Thus, when we want to convey to people that our feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are separate from theirs and that we are solely responsible for them, we employ the pronoun "I."
To learn more about "I" language here
The cell plate is a structure that forms in the cells of land plants while they are undergoing cell division.
Postmodern society a society occurring after the modern society. It can mean as a new practice that replaces or reorganizes concepts dealt with by modernism or an extension of the modern - same concepts but more validated techniques. It is also the age of capitalism in a global marketplace.