Hearing loss that occurs as a function of age is called presbycusis.
In presbycusis, the patient will lose the ability to hear the higher frequency of sound.
Anosmia is losing the ability to smell. Presbyopia is vision loss that occurs as a function of age.
Heat from the sun makes it through near the Antarctic (where the hole is) is melting the ice and not allowing some key species to feed. seals don't have ice to come up for air through like normal so polar bears starve. loss of land means less food for a lot of species because the hunting grounds is closing and there is no room to expand.
Answer: Hydrogen bonds.
Explanation: This seems like more of a chemistry question, but basically hydrogen bonding is way stronger than any other kinds of bonding, and because water molecules are all hydrogen bonded, they cling together a bunch and are thus super cohesive.
Platinum: Mostly mined around that area.