Good evening, I was wondering if I could redo the word journal entry thing for English. I did that late at night and if I'm being honest I don't fully remember clicking submit, I'm trying to bring my grades up especially English. English class has always been difficult for me to focus on.
Anyway I'm trying to get my life together, get a job, bring my grades up and get myself a car. I would really like you to allow me to redo the word journal if that's ok with you.
I just fixed some spelling mistakes, but everything looked good.
It's been a long time since I've read the books but I believe he began laughing
Answer: I don't think famous musicians or singers were instantly amazing from the first time. Although, they may have been an amazing singer or musician. It take more than that to perfect a craft and become famous. They have to perfect stage presence, performing, interviewing, managing money and building a brand.
D, because after you said though, yu have to complete your comparison