The common meaning of Dialect would be, for example, your own lauguage or way of speaking among friends or regions.
verb - descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point.
noun - a descent made by rappelling.
In Avi's novel "Nothing But The Truth" we meet Mr. Lunser in Phillip Mallory's school. Mr. Lunser is Phillip's homeroom teacher for a time. He is a easy-going guy who is not very disciplined with his class. He tries to be humorous (he calls his students Bozos) and he is always cracking jokes with the class. During the opening of the novel morning announcements are being made, and Dr. Doane tells the students that on "this day Julius Caesar was assassinated. Mr. Lunser replies, " And right after that they all sat down and ate a Caesar salad." Phillp ends up having to transfer to Margaret Narwin's homeroom and she is extremely disciplined and very strict. This does not work out well for Phillip.
It shows that older people often ignore or minimize children's feelings
I am not 100% sure, but I want to say it is D