a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. Our definition, based on our experience is, a group of people existing in a place that shares; a purpose, a sense of belonging, and who communicate with each other.
Spontaneous talks are designed to be out going and not have a subject or doesn’t have boundaries. But planned discussions are like meetings you go and talk about one thing and one thing only.
explaining why or how about your topic or saying goodbye to everybody I hope to see you soon.
It shows that the goddesses are the foul ones, not her. The tone is sarcastic.
It shows that Eris thinks the goddesses are ridiculous. The tone is mocking.
Those were some answers that were correct on a multiple choice quiz on this poem. Hopefully that gives you a better idea of what the lines mean :)
The root word for a geographer is Geography if I'm right