Mitosis goes in the order of PMAT, or Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.
Prophase is when the nuclear envelope breaks down and the chromosomes are visible. Metaphase is when the chromosomes line up in the middle. Anaphase is when the spindle fibers pull the centromeres apart. Telophase is when the chromosomes go to the opposite sides and the nuclear envelope reappears.
They release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which in effect create green house gasses
when John Travoltage rubbed his foot against the floor, he started building up negative energy, this negative energy later built up as he was rubbing his foot on the floor which then caused a reaction with the door knob, the same thing happened with the balloons, as we rubbed it on the sweater, the balloons started building up negative energy too, which then resulted in a connection with the positive energy. The dust particles most likely got a charge from moving around from different places, considering that fabrics build up the negative energy, it appears that the dust particles could have landed on a fabric which then allowed the particles to build it up and then stick to other surfaces.
Answer: Austyn's heart rate is up quite a bit compared to Shanice which means either he was working out harder or since he's a male he has a larger heart which need more blood through the body. The heart rate is affected by how hard you work out? The size and possibly the condition of your heart?
To answer this question you must break apart the words given on the right.
“Eco” means life and production. So an ecologist would be someone who studies life and it’s processes. So the correct answer for the first blank would be C. Life Science.
A chemist is one who interacts with day to day elements and sciences that is tactile. So the most appropriate answer would be B. Physical science.
A geologist is someone who studies the earth. As the part of the word “geo,” meaning earth, suggests. So the correct answer here would be A. Earth science.
Finally, “Astro” means space .Astrology is the study of the stars and the sky, for example. So, D. Space science would be the best answer for an astronaut.
I hope all of these are helpful. :)