Hydrogen has two atoms in water, and there is one atom of oxygen in water
I started out as glucose, got converted to pyruvate, after which I got oxidised by Oxygen to become CO2
My name is CO2, and I started out as glucose from pure honey. I got eaten by a little child when I was two weeks old, and I had to go through the dreadful process of aerobic respiration in the child's body.
My glucose molecules were broken down into pyruvate, and I stayed that way for a while, as I made my way to the mitochondria of the child's cells. Once I got to the mitochondria, I met my old friend oxygen, who reacted with me to turn me into the molecule I am today - C02.
If you want to know how I escaped the child's body, that's easy - I simply snuck out his nose while he was breathing one cold dark night.
The ovaries are a part of the endocrine system, so its true.
Mitosis creates two identical daughter cells that each contain the same number of chromosomes as their parent cell. In contrast, meiosis gives rise to four unique daughter cells, each of which has half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.