a) Its called Doppler shift effect
b) It gets compressed
c) It gets stretched
d) The pitch of a wailing ambulance is high as it approaches you and gets lower as it moves away from you
It is observable even in space. The galaxies that are moving away from us appear in the red-shift while galaxies that are moving towards us appear in the blue shift.
To begin with, remember that the blue wavelength of light is of a shorter wavelength while the red light is of a longer wavelength. An every day scenario of Doppler shift is that of a wailing ambulance approaching you then going past you. As the ambulance approaches you, the pitch of its wailing is high but when it passes you and moves away from you the pitch gets lower.
This is because of the changes in the relative wavelength of the wave. As the object moves towards you, the waves tend to be ‘compressed’, relative to your position, into a slightly smaller wavelength. As the object moves away, the wave tends to be stretched, relative to your position, hence the wave acquires a longer wavelength.
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