rob the protagonist takes action when he shows' Sistine the tiger because that helped him to let it out
Free verse is a poetic form that does not use formal rhyme and meter. That is why it is free - it doesn't have to stick to these formalities.
1). Literature <u>can be classified</u> into four main kinds.
2). The institute supported his efforts in the search for a <u>problem</u>.
The first sentence has been converted into the passive voice by substituting the subject 'we' with the object 'Literature' in order to shift the emphasis from the former to the latter and the verb. The antonym of 'solution' i.e. 'problem' has been employed in the second sentence as per the requirement. It means straightly the opposite of the 'problem.'
The Code of Hammurabi is focused upon providing retribution for those who are wronged is False