7/12, 3/4, 5/6
Step by Step:
First, we want to make the denominators the same, since we want to compare them.
The common denominator is 12, so we can change their denominators all to twelve.
We don't need to change 7/12, so we can just leave that be for now.
6 times 2 is 12, so we can multiply 5/6 by 2/2
-That is 10/12.
Next, we need to find one for 3/4.
4 times 3 is 12, so we can times 3/4 by 3/3.
that is 9/12.
So we have the three numbers, I'll line them up here.
7/12, 10/12, 9/12
Since the denominators are all the same, we can basically just compare 7, 9, and 10.
10 is the largest, so 10/12 is greatest. We can now return it back to 5/6, or just simplify it and divide it by 2/2.
9 is bigger than 7/12, so we can simplify that too and turn it back into 3/4.
7/12 is the smallest, but we don't simplify that, since that was it's original state.
so it is 7/12, 3/4, and 5/6.