To convert mi/h to ft/sec, multiply it to 1.466.
So 3.4 mi/h x 1.466 = 4.986 ft/sec
Number the residents using the latest census data, then use a random number generator to pick 48 people.
This is the best way to generate a random, relevant audience.
2) The population of interest consisted of the 1744 listeners that logged in and indicated their preference.</span>
Calculate the slope in the four intervals with the formula
m = (f(b) - f(a)) / (b - a) slope in Intervall [a; b]
m1 = (3 - 0) / (2 - 0) = 1.5
m2 = (11 - 3) / (4 - 2) = 4
m3 = (23 - 3) / (6 - 2) = 5
m4 = (23 - 11) / (6 - 4) = 6
between x = 4 and x = 6 is the correct answer.
Here ya go!!! this should be correct