Well when you convert fractions to decimals, you simply divide the numerator by the dominator.
To convert decimals to percents, you take the fraction and divide the numerator by the dominator and times that by 100.
For example, 4/25*100=16%
24 - X = 10
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that Mai's water bottle had 24 ounces in it. After she drank x ounces of water, there were 10 ounces left, in order to determine the equation that represents this situation, the following reasoning has to be made:
Since the bottle has 24 ounces of liquid, that is its initial content, from which an amount X is subtracted, after which 10 ounces of water remain. That is, 24 - X = 10.
Thus, this equation is solved in the following way:
24 - X = 10
24 = 10 + X
24 - 10 = X
14 = X
Step-by-step explanation:
Let cost price of painting=$100
In first year price increased 20%
Then , the price=$120
In second year
Price decreased 15%
Then , the price of painting=
The price of painting=$102
Percent =
By using this formula
Then, we get
Percent of the original price=
Percent of the original price=102%
Option A is true.
5 hours 20 minutes.
Step-by-step explanation:
8 * 2/3
= 16/3
= 5 1/3
= 5 hours 20 minutes.