In humans the genetic commonality of height and skin tone is that they are both <u>Polygenic Traits.</u>
Polygenic traits can be described as those characteristics for which there is more than one gene to determine its inheritance. The outcomes of polygenic genes result in many differentiated phenotypes. For example, the difference in height, the difference in skin colour etc.
Polygenic traits occur because one allele for a gene does not have complete dominance over the other gene. This is termed as incomplete dominance. Incomplete dominance is a Non- Mendelian trait as Mendelian traits showed one allele to be completely dominant over the other allele.
Validity refers to the degree to which a method assesses what it claims or intends to assess.
Answer: For Piaget's process of accommodation it is when you change schema to accommodate new info.
example: Once you learn about something you modify your understanding of a concept to include specific categories. For example, when a child sees a dog, it has four legs and fur. But when they see a cat they create a new schema for cats.
Answer Process of assimilation adds on to pre-existing information/experiences.
example: going back to our cat-dog example. When they develop a concept of a dog as being a four-legged thing with fur, when they see a cat they will place the cat in the same category as a dog and be like "that's a dog" to anything that fits their concept of a dog.
Answer: Which statement best describes acceleration? Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of an object.
The growth of the plant
Dependant variable is the variable you measure