Well electrons are like electricity well it is partly if it went 3 sub levels the electrons would blow up some electricty<span />
Even if you have a Hotmail email address, you now use the Outlook.com interface to ... I searched and found a Hotmail support number, but is it legit? ... one from Leo's e-mail, I receive a message from windows stating it can't find the site.
The yeast respired aerobically
The expectation here was that the yeast was going to put the sugar in the grape juice through fermentation, which is an anaerobic process that results in alcohol as one of the products. However since no alcohol was found in this particular example, it is fair to assume that maybe there was oxygen in teh muxture and therefore the yeast respired aerobically, producing water and carbon dioxide as products.
The answer would be strength. Because the Ph is the measurement of how strong or how high the hydronium ion in a solution