Need more to answer this question.
In this sentence the word woe is proceeded by the description "terrible war" which would suggest suffering and grief to those affected by it.
“Rivers stopped flowing along the banks so that they could hear Orpheus, whose music was more harmonious than theirs.” And “Others maintain that Orpheus had reached the sunlight and turned to Eurydice, believing she was out, too.” hope this helps
eorge Marion McClellan1860–1934Writer, poet, minister Source for information on ... McClellan's poetry is congruent with the themes, elements, and ... He shows, also, overt joy in his people in "A September Night"
The word "dream" emphasises the longing which the persona holds that is not quite tangible - the repetition implies this "dream" is reoccurring, showing that the persona's longing is all the more strong.