It would have to be the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is where all your thoughts are and gather when your nervous and the spine, well we wouldn't be able to do anything without the spine like make any movements when were neverous. Nervous movements for example twitching your fingers, swaying side to side, kicking your feet, cracking your knuckles. We wouldn't be able to do all that with out the spine.
Have a great day! I'm trying to spread positivity with the corona virus going around so here you go
Suffering, pain, death, what we've been seeing so recent.
It's hard not to focus on it.
You can say the same thing in so many languages yet they mean the same.
Money can't save you from death, nor the things that take your life
we strive to see some happines in our life, smiles back on people faces.
Giving people hope is all theres left hope for a better future. Sad to say things will only get worst for a period of time but there is hope for the better future that will arrive in its own appointed time!