Fire, blankets, shelter etc
Can you give me some context? What excerpt?
<span>Herbert George Wells' (H.G. Wells) story of the Eloi in The Time Machine warns about too much comfort and lack of work will make humans weak and unintelligent. It is when the time traveler discovered that the rise of civilization have weaken the Eloi. Without having requirements for survival, they soon become weak, lazy and unintelligent.</span>
That means that every letter with a line of symmetry like M wouldn't work: A, T, U, V, W, and Y. But you can use the letters B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, and X. It doesn't sound like a name but it could be Obeidh, Ikechi, Hideki, Dockie, Bohdie, Bodhie, Bobbie (unless you can't use the same letter twice), Debbie ("), Becki, Bodhe, Chiko, Cobie, Dixie ("), Echoe ("), Eddie ("), Kobe, Khoi, Echo, Bobo, Hido, Hebe, Kebe, Cobi, Debb, Kiki, Beck, Ike, Koe, Ed,