The fore limbs has the (humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals), and digits. While the hind limbs characteristics are the (femur, patella, fibula, tibia, tarsals, metatarsals), and digits.
He used a simple microscope
Membrane proteins can be classified into two broad categories—integral (intrinsic) and peripheral (extrinsic)—based on the nature of the membrane-protein interactions (see Figure 3-32). Most biomembranes contain both types of membrane proteins.
Las proteínas de membrana se pueden clasificar en dos categorías amplias: integrales (intrínsecas) y periféricas (extrínsecas), según la naturaleza de las interacciones membrana-proteína (véase la figura 3-32). La mayoría de las biomembranas contienen ambos tipos de proteínas de membrana.
The type of stream valley likely to form in a mountainous area is a V- shaped valley. This is a narrow valley that has a profile giving the impression of the letter V. This kind of valley is characterized by steeply sloping sides. It results from a stream eroding downward, a process referred to as downcutting. V - shaped valleys form in mountains or highland areas where streams are in their youthful stage and are flowing rapidly down steep slopes.