It's worth learning this!
The apostrophe before the following syllable indicates that the previous syllable is stressed.
From "Syllable Stress
English words that are polysyllabic (have more than one syllable) always have one syllable that is stressed. In most English dictionaries, the stressed syllable is indicated by a stress mark, a symbol that resembles an apostrophe. The stress mark follows the syllable that is stressed.
For example, in the word incredible, the second syllable (-cred-) is stressed. Here are some examples.
2 3 4
ex′it op′po·site Feb′ru·ar·y
hu′mid ex·am′ine in·cred′i·ble
ma·chine′ em·ploy·ee′ psy·cho′lo·gy
Here is the for retribution retribution noun
ret·ri·bu·tion | \ ˌre-trə-ˈbyü-shən \
The apostrophe is before the 'byu so the PREVIOUS syllable is the one that is stressed.