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The product is equal zero if one of the factors is equal zero.Therefore:
A histogram is an image of data that resembles a bar graph and groups several categories into columns along the horizontal x-axis. The numerical count or percentage of occurrences for each column in the data are shown on the vertical y-axis. To see how data distribution patterns look, utilize columns.
(a) Use classes with a 2 minute width and a 14 minute starting point to create a histogram of the journey times. Thus, the first lesson lasts between 14 and 16 minutes.
Describe the distribution's shape. What is the average journey time interval?
If a histogram has a bell shape, its center and spread can be used to parsimoniously characterize it. The axis of symmetry is located at the middle. The spread is the separation between the center and a particular point of inflection. The inflection points of the bell-shaped histogram are indicated here.
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