A rhyme scheme is a order of rhyme patterns at the end of each line in a poem.
for example:
The people along the sand -A
All turn and look one way. B
They turn their back on the land. -A
<span>They look at the sea all day B
the rhyme scheme would be A,B,A,B
1. Speaking
2. Going and hanging out with People
3. Shopping
4. Talking on the phone
5. Not having to be watched
6. Travel
7. Eating
And many more but I hope this helps
It’s the second one. Both offer young people extensive job training.
The comedy in She Stoops to Conquer results from a conflict between appearance and reality, between what things appear to be and what they are. We see this in Marlow's confusion of Hardcastle with an innkeeper and of Kate with a barmaid.
He shouted,”help!” How is used in many ways but it is a verb