The best sentence to describe webbing is you're generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs. Webbing is also called mind mapping.
Mind mapping usually involves writing a number of ideas. You go back to what you wrote and then connect the dots to create a web that connects all thoughts. You must be willing to let go of organized mental structure habits because it will usually be a very chaotic process. This is more than any other brainstorming method. Yet, if you succeed in making webbing, developing a number of ideas that can be directly applied to a topic that you want to solve will be easier.
To get started, prepare the paper and write the topic of the problem in the middle. Next, write down any ideas, concepts, or other considerations that you think are related to the topic. Ignore formatting and placement for this dumping stage focus on writing ideas on paper.
After the written ideas are enough to fill the paper, start identifying ideas that are related to each other by circling, starring, or marking them with the preferred symbol. Connect the circles with the lines. Lines that connect can be drawn with different colors or shapes to make it easier to characterize
The result is a number of ideas gathered and connected through a network of lines. The final step is to re-read, reflect on, or evaluate the ideas that are connected so that they can solve the problem being faced.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
• The process of brainstorming involves
KEYWORD: Webbing, brainstorming, ideas.
Subject: English
Class: 10 - 12
Subchapter: Webbing