Latitude is the distance north or south of the equator. Altitude is the height of an object above sea level.
Coenzymes are small organic molecules that, themselves, do not function as catalysts (i.e. enzymes) but aid the latter in carrying out their functions. Enzymes are biological catalysts, which means that they allow reactions to occur at lower activation energies. In a way, enzymes help to "speed up" chemical reactions.
Coenzymes are mostly derived from vitamins. Examples include TPP from Vitamin B1 (thiamine), FAD from Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), and NAD+ from Niacin.
Spoilage microbes produce acid
When food becomes spoiled or is unprotected, bacteria will invade the food. These types of bacteria are called spoilage bacteria. The bacteria will multiply by consuming the nutrients from the food and grows very rapidly. In certain conditions, the invading bacteria will produce acids that protects them and creates a barrier for other microbes. This acid is what gives spoiled food a sour taste.
Would it be its beak? It's hard and protective like scales