1. You convert all the numbers into decimals.
a. For 8 1/9 you multiply 8x9 and add the numerator which in this case is one, so the equation would be 8x9=72 then 72+1= 73
b. For 81/10 I used a calculator for accuracy and I just divided 81 by 10 because the fraction line can also be used as a division sign. For this I got 8.1
2. Now I looked at all the numbers I had including the fractions I converted to decimals... 8.115, 8.55, 73, and 8.1
3. Lastly, I put the numbers in order from least to greatest: 8.1, 8.115, 8.55, and 73
4. In order to figure out which one is the smallest and largest, I just added zeros on the end of the numbers so they would all be the same: 8.1-->8.100, 8.115 I kept the same because it already had 3 decimal places, 8.55--> 8.550, and 73--> 73.000
5. Then i could tell which number was the largest by the decimal place numbers.
**Hope this was helpful... It's kind of hard to explain online but hopefully you have a better understanding of how to do it!**
Step-by-step explanation:
the answer is 1/10 :))))))))
Step-by-step explanation:
In a linear relationship, the rate of change of one variable with respect to the other is <em>constant</em>. When we talk about <em>change</em>, we're looking for a <em>difference</em> of values.
If we look at the first and second rows, the change in x is 1 - (-1) = 2, while the change in y is 9 - 10 = -1. Usually we refer to these changes as Δx and Δy (read like "delta-x" and "delta-y"), and the <em>rate of change </em>is the number we get by dividing one of these by the other.
The rate of change we're used to seeing, sometimes called the <em>slope</em>, is Δy/Δx. So, using the values we've already found:
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