All plants have chlorophyll-a which blocks(reflects) green light and absorbs red and blue wavelengths. It seems like it would be more efficient for plants to absorb green light since energy is most powerful from the sun through green wavelengths. However, the chlorophyll-a in chloroplasts actually defend the plant from harmful damage of the TREMENDOUS amount of power from the sun transmitted in green wavelengths.
Distillation is a process of separation of two liquids on the basis of their difference in the boiling points. There are two types of distillation process- Microscale distillation and miniscale distillation depending on the type of apparatus used for distillation.
In case of microscale distillation, microscale apparatus is used when the volume of liquid to be distilled is less than 5 ml. Whereas, in case of miniscale distillation, miniscale apparatus is used when the volume of liquid is more than 5 ml.
Hickman distilled head is used for microscale distillation whereas a bit larger vessels are used in miniscale distillation.
Micorscale and miniscale techniques have their own advantages. Both these techniques are cost effective, use less equipments and environmental friendly. Miniscale distillation is used yields more product which is easy to measure. Microscale distillation are difficult but it avoids large cumbersome distillation process and instruments.
Evolutionary psychologists; behavioral psychologists
Evolutionary psychologists look at the genetic tendencies that we share as a species, whereas behavioral psychologists explore human genetic differences.
-Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical approach to psychology that attempts to explain useful mental and psychological traits such as memory, perception, or language,as the functional products of natural selection. Evolutionary psychology is focused on how evolution has shaped the mind and behavior.
-Behaviorism is concerned with how environmental factors affect observable behavior. The behaviorist approach proposes two main processes whereby people learn from their environment: namely classical conditioning and operand conditioning.
<em>The balanced chemical equation showing relationship between photosynthesis and aerobic respiration are </em>
<em>Photosynthesis is the basic process by which plants derive energy. </em>They require sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to perform photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water combine in the <em>presence of sunlight</em> to produce glucose and oxygen. Energy is obtained from this glucose.
In aerobic respiration glucose combines with <em>oxygen and gets broken down into carbon dioxide, water and energy. This energy is in the form of ATP. </em>