This creates imagery, it calls to your senses and creates and image in your mind
America has not changed
Hamilton's America displays how everlasting are the hot topics of today's America: immigration, state rights, debt, income inequality and racial relations. These were the same fights that defined Hamilton's time, and are the driving force of Miranda's historical work.
The role that narration plays in history is a central theme of Hamilton, Hamilton's musical and America. The musical invites the public to reflect: "Who lives, who dies, who tells his story?"
There should be a period after writing it should look like this : " writing. She can"
the sentence also says "through her words" when after "words" , there should also be a period.
Other than the missing periods your sentence seems fine.
You could also use a comma after "writing" instead of a period and make the S in "She" a lower case.
I hope this helps you.
It's like a child growing up they grow
C. The narrator feels shame about what happened but still tries to tell the story in a truthful way.
According to a different source, this question refers to the text "The Man in the Well" by Ira Sher. In this story, we learn about a group of children who find a man in a well, but decide not to help him, and instead, they tease him for days. The narrator tells the story as an adult, and he gives us several hints of the fact that he is embarrassed, such as the fact that he will never go close to the well again. Despite this embarrassment, the author succeeds in telling the story in a truthful way.