I am pretty sure that you do not need to change something to make this sentence look better. Gramatically everything is totaly OK, so the last option - that's your answer. As you can see, <span> '[They] used tweezers to pick through innards looking for the heart' the previous tense is being used there, so any pronoun would be possible to use and that also would be proper.
carefully and scientifically I believe is the answer
i love how i'm not afraid of taking charge or showing how capable i am of doing things on my own without anyones pity or help, it really changes the game for ppl and a very great confidence booster.
i love this about me because it shows how true i am to myself.
she dont want him to see her as ghetto or that she seen both of her best friends die at 10 and 16
I think it’s adj
I kinda don’t understand this question?