Produce resistance variety or use of fungicides.
The best solution for the future is to produce resistance variety to Panama Disease or fungicide spray that kills Fusarium fungus that causes Panama Disease. If the variety is resistance against Fusarium fungus so they get no adverse affect from it. The use of chemical that kills Fusarium fungus is also a good method to protect banana industry from the adverse effect of this disease.
The theory was originally developed as island biogeography, to explain species richness of actual islands, principally oceanic. It proposes that the number of species found in an undisturbed insular environment is determined by immigration and extinction.
Wilson of Harvard, developed a theory of "island biogeography" to describe such uneven distributions. They suggested that the number of species on any island displays a balance within the rate at which new species establish it and the rate at which residents of secured species become extinct.
A imprint like a foot print in a rock or on concrete when it is fresh!