I think this should be the chart you were interested in...
Individual Shape in shaded
phenotype pedigrees
Male with gen. TT PTC taster square No
Male with gen. Tt PTC taster square No
Male with gen. tt Non-taster square Yes
Female with gen. TT PTC taster Circle No
Female with gen. Tt PTC taster Circle No
Female with gen. tt Non-taster Circle Yes
*gen- genotype
NASA is a U.S goverment acengy. It is responsible for sciecne and technology realted to air and space.
NASA opened for on October ,19.58. The agency was created oversee U.S space exploritation and areonautics research.
NASA stand for (National Aeronautics and Space Administration.)
"The density of a substance determines how much light is refracted"
Hope this helps :)