50% of 1,678.89 = 839.445
10% = 167.889
5% = 83.9445
1% = 16.7889
.5% = 8.39445
Therefore 66% = 1108.0674
and 7.5% = 125.91675
So the two added together is: 1233.98415
To get the percentages simply do the following
50% = divide by two
10% = divide 50% by five OR divide the original number by 10
5% = divide 10% by two or divide 50% by 10
1% = divide 5% by 5 or divide original by 100
.5% = divide 1% by two
It would be D because X^2 is different from 3x you would just multiply X^2 by 1 and 3x by 1 to get x^2+3x
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
area of square = side *side
=6*6= 36²
area of rectangle (patio)= length* breadth
area of garden= area of square - area of rectangle
=28 yd²