Tyson has written general questions to guid his research. This means he has already decided on the topic and by writing general questions he has brain-stormed on the topic. Next he must narrow his focus to the topic and eliminate vague or irrelvant general questions. After doing this, he msut write his paper and after writing review his paper.
In writing a research,a topic has to be selected first. This could be provided by a supervisor or the individual, on a topic he is interested in. After forming a topic, many general questions should be formed. This would provide a wide view from which to assess the topic.
Too many general questions ought to be further narrowed into more specific questions. It is important that the researcher chose a topic on which information could be found easily. This would make it easier for the questions to be easily narrowed and not too broad. He should also avoid open ended questions, that is yes or no questions, so as to make the information more meaningful.
That is my opinion. I said yes because, if they hover, we wont be able to grow in responsibility or be able to express ourselves. Parents just need to back off every once in a while.