Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty. "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." The price of liberty and freedom is huge and you will need to go under certain circumstances in order to get what kind of freedom you deserve and need.
We know by utilizing basic information and setting intimations that eternal means inside, or inner, and is used to portray anything occurring inside the body, all the more generally emotions and decisions dictated by central core. Carefulness implies continually being wary and cautious, looking for risk. Furthermore, the cost of freedom can be actually called the cost of opportunity. Internal alert is the cost of opportunity. It most likely has neither rhyme nor reason. I think by and by, this implies being careful, guarding your psyche, and looking for threats in the public eye, is the cost of opportunity. Continually being vigilant to protect yourself as well as other people is the cost of being free.