our post which explains the division of three thousand, five hundred and eighty-four by twenty-eight to you.
The number 3584 is called the numerator or dividend, and the number 28 is called the denominator or divisor.
The quotient of 3584 and 28, the ratio of 3584 and 28, as well as the fraction of 3584 and 28 all mean (almost) the same:
3584 divided by 28, often written as 3584/28.
Read on to find the result of 3584 divided by 28 in decimal notation, along with its properties
Here we provide you with the result of the division with remainder, also known as Euclidean division, including the terms in a nutshell:
The quotient and remainder of 3584 divided by 28 = 128 R 0
The quotient (integer division) of 3584/28 equals 128; the remainder (“left over”) is 0.
3584 is the dividend, and 28 is the divisor.
In the next section of this post you can find the frequently asked questions in the context of three thousand, five hundred and eighty-four over twenty-eight, followed by the summary of our information.
Check the picture below
in case you want to know how to get who's the adjacent or opposite, notice in the picture, if you put your eye on the angle itself, what you'd be facing is the opposite side, the adjacent is the side touching the angle.
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Step-by-step explanation:
Henri invested $ 4,500 in bonds and $ 19,500 in stocks.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that Henri has $ 24000 invested in stocks and bonds, and the amount in stocks is $ 6000 more than three times the amount in bonds, to determine the amount that Henri invested in stocks (S) and the amount he invested in bonds (B), the following calculations must be performed:
6000 + 3B + B = 24000
3B + B = 24000 - 6000
4B = 18000
B = 18000/4
B = 4500
S = 6000 + 3x4500
S = 6000 + 13500
S = 19500
Thus, Henri invested $ 4,500 in bonds and $ 19,500 in stocks.
For this case we have that by definition, the point-slope equation of a line is given by:
We have the following points:
We chose a point:
Substituting in the equation we have:
Finally, the equation is: