Usually the Y chromosome. It is recessive because if one Y chromosone is mutated with red-green colorblindness and the X is not, the child will have colorblindness. But, if one X chromosome has the mutation and the other X does not, they will cancel out, meaning the child will not have colorblindness.
An endocrine disruptor is an exogenous substance or mixture that alters the function of the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse health effects in an organism. Lipophilic chemicals are those that do not dissolve in water and have the ability to dissolve in non -polar substances and they have been linked to cause numerous diseases in humans.
Because there was a mutation in the gazelle's genetic code. It will be nice for the gazelle to run faster, but since the gazelle was born with longer legs, we know it's just a random mutation. The gazelle's parents have little to do with it, and the nutrition of the food it eats after it's born is irrelevant to how long its legs are at birth.
Symbiogenesis, or endosymbiotic theory<span>, is an evolutionary </span>theory<span> of the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic organisms, first articulated in 1905 and 1910 by the Russian botanist Konstantin Mereschkowski, and advanced and substantiated with microbiological evidence by Lynn Margulis in 1967.</span>