The distance between Lawrence, Kansas and Nashville, Tennessee is 501.74 miles. So they are really far apart.
The location of Lawrance, Kansas is:
Latitude: 38.9560 Longitude: -95.2520.
And for Nashville, Tennessee is:
Latitude: 36.174465, Longitude: -86.767960.
So while the Latitudes are similar, the longitudes are not, and this is why you can see that the geography of each place is different.
The answer is A, chemoreception!
The chemoreceptors of taste and smell are closely related ; in fact one receptor type, the Lewis acid receptor is common to both the tatse (gustatory) and smell (olfactory) modalities! ☻
C) water that dissolves salt
An everyday example of a solute is salt in water. Salt is the solute that dissolves in water, the solvent, to form a saline solution.
Because of the different shapes and components that a prokaryotic cell has such as flagellum that isn't show on the other ones