The Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. Its revolution lasts 27.322 days, while its rotation around its axis lasts 27 days. From the Earth's perspective, the Moon seems to have different phases, where it appears as fully lighted, partially lighted, or totally dark. What the Moon appears to be from the Earth depends on how the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned in relation to each other. If the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, the Moon is full, with the reason being that the Sun is lighting up the side that is facing the Earth. If the Moon is between the Earth and Sun, then the Moon can not be seen, it is totally dark, and that is because the side that is facing the Earth is not lighted by the Sun at all. If the Moon is positioned sideways, not being in a straight line with the Earth and Sun, then it appears to be partially lighted, and that is the side that can be seen from Earth that is lighted by the Sun.
I would think of a unicellular organism or a plant, but I'm not too sure on this one, Just trying to help :)
1. Evaporation is the escape of water molecules from their liquid phase to gas phase that go up into the atmosphere. Evaporation can occur anywhere where open liquid water is exposed to sunlight or any other source of energy. Transpiration, on the other hand, is the loss of water (by evaporation) from plants through the stomata. Evaporation and transpiration move water from the biosphere to the atmosphere.
2. Condensation is the return of water molecules from gaseous phase (vapor) back to liquid form. Precipitation, on the other hand, is the coming down of condensed water from the atmosphere to the earth (biosphere), which is a significant part of the water cycle.
3. Exchange pool is the pool from (or approximate amount) which water or other elements are shared (back and forth) between different spheres (such as biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) in a cycle. A reservoir on the other hand is analogous to a ‘container’ that holds large masses of water or other elements such as a lake and the atmosphere.
4. The answer is No. because, today’s waters, due to increased pollution from industrialization that spews a lot of pullutans into the atmphere, ae contamiated. The water that precipitates is tainted by gases such as sulphuric dioxide tha makes it acidic. The water also gets polluted by other pollutants in the atmpshre and biosphere and hence become a health risk to animals and humans that drink it.
Humans usually have 46 chromosomes. Monkeys, chimps, or other organisms related closely to them: they have diploid number of 48 chromosomes.
(Future reference: Haploid means half, half the # of chromosomes in the nucleus. Diploids means duplicate, COMPLETE necessary set of chromosomes).
Hope it helps!! :)