First of all, the cohesive and adhesive properties of the water molecules fascilitate this. Water molecules stick together and with the walls of the vessels, creating a column of water which doesn t break easily. Moreover the xylem vessels of the tree are very narrow increasing the pressure. Finally, transpiration is taking place as water from the leaves evaporate, thus a continuous osmotic gradient is being created, causing water to be drawn up the tree
Fruting bodies
Fungi can produce spores on somatic hyphae or on special spore producing hyphae which are arranged into structers called fruting bodies.
The answer is water. it is found in our bodies (sorry the professor said its technically closest to oxygen because oxygen is most of our body)
Answer: Audiovisual mirror neurons and action recognition
These are groups of neurons in the ventral premotor complex, that discharge responses both when the an individual performs a specific action and when he hears or see the same action executed by another person.