Fractions that have a common denominator of 8, would be fractions that have denominators that, when multiplied, equal 8.
8/2 = 4
8/3 = 2.7
So the first option is incorrect.
8/4 = 2
8/2 = 4
The second option is correct.
The correct answer is 1/4 and 1/2
Hope this helps! :)
im not in collage but I'll try ok so its most likely
Factor then solve to find the complex solutions.
x=2πn, for any integer n
if i was right could i get brainly?
The answer is 24 root 3 or 41.56921938.
or do you want more digits?
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286<span> </span>