Check the current weather map for 2 different times, and see where the center of the storm is. That tells you what direction it's moving. With its speed and direction, you have its velocity.
if we are walking on a perfectly smooth ground which has no friction our force would simply cancel out the force reverted by the ground and we would fall.
We need it to help push out feet off the ground
Hope those helps :)
R = m⁴/kg . s
In this case, the best way to solve this is working with the units in the expression.
The units of velocity (V) are m/s
The units of density (d) are kg/m³
And R is a constant
If the expression is:
V = R * d
Replacing the units and solving for R we have
m/s = kg/m³ * R
m * m³ / s = kg * R
R = m * m³ / kg . s
R = m⁴ / kg . s</h2>
This should be the units of R
Hope this helps