The tuba
The tuba produces sound by vibrating or buzzing the lips into a large cupped mouth piece. It produces different pitches by changing the mouthpiece.
The fertilized egg begins a rapid descent to the uterus. The period of rest in the tube appears to be necessary for full development of the fertilized egg and for the uterus to prepare to receive theegg. ... At the end of this transition period, the embryo becomes a mass of very organized cells, called a blastocyst.
They used relative dating to divide Earth's past in several chunks of time when similar organisms were on Earth. Later, scientists used absolute dating to determine the actual number of years ago that events happened. The geologic time scale is divided into eons, eras, periods, and epochs.
Snails are asexual they create their own baby's with themselves. they have both parts....thats all ik
In the past climate change models were not accurate as they mostly understated the problems which resulted in more damages caused due to inaccurate preparations. However due to new technological innovations, there has been availability and improvement in the tools such as satellites.
This has led to an increase in the accuracy of the climate change models and subsequent planning of costal city infrastructures.