B. They are rearranged.
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter and energy can not be created or destroyed.
<em>Convert 1nanosecond in to its SI init</em>
<em>In SI units, nano is 1000th part of micro which in turn is 1000th part of mini which in turn is 1000th part of main unit. Now, when you affix nano to any unit, here in case, second, it means that you are referring to 1000th part of 1000th part of 1000th part of second or in short, 1000000000th(10^9) part of a second.</em>
<em>In SI units, nano is 1000th part of micro which in turn is 1000th part of mini which in turn is 1000th part of main unit. Now, when you affix nano to any unit, here in case, second, it means that you are referring to 1000th part of 1000th part of 1000th part of second or in short, 1000000000th(10^9) part of a second.So to convert nanosecond into second, just multiply the nanosecond with 0.000000001 or (10^-9)</em>