Nonfiction is about real people in the book. Fiction is about people who are in a book that are not realistic or it’s not real.
She is speaking about times in which man becomes most desperate that in times where one is attacked, hurt or in a position from which something awful may occur they become their most powerful. This can be related to times where you struggled and found strength within yourself to do what you thought was impossible.
King's Men
King's Men, English theatre company known by that name after it came under royal patronage in 1603. Its previous name was the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Considered the premier acting company in Jacobean England, the troupe included William Shakespeare as its leading dramatist and Richard Burbage as it principal actor.
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. The inauguration of John F. Kennedy as the 35th President of the United States was held on Friday, January 20, 1961, at the East Portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. This was the 44th inauguration and marked the commencement of the only term of both John F.
I think that in this passage the phrase "pack through" means carrying one's belongings on saddle packs on the horses and leaving the wagons (covered wagons?) behind to travel faster to get to the California gold fields sooner. Mr Johnson decided not to travel this way and instead harnessed his horse to the Frink's wagon and they continued as before. The following excerpt intimates what "pack through" means without actually saying it in those many words. "<span>Mr. Wand and his company have left their wagons here and made pack-saddles, intending to pack their clothing, blankets, provisions, and cooking utensils on their animals, in order to travel faster".</span>