This is all i know about caves: Caves are large, natural holes beneath the surface of the earth. Underground passages and caves are found in rocky landscapes across the world. They are found in areas with a lot of limestone, a common type of rock. They can be created in various ways, but most caves are hollowed out of rock by water.
<span>Persentase oksigen di udara di dua mil (3,2 km.) Pada dasarnya sama dengan di permukaan laut (21%). Namun, tekanan udara adalah 30% lebih rendah pada ketinggian yang lebih tinggi karena fakta bahwa atmosfer kurang padat - yaitu, molekul udara yang jauh apart.When kita menghirup udara di permukaan laut, tekanan atmosfer sekitar 14,7 pounds per square inch (1,04 kg. per cm.2)
(i speak indoinision to)
They are predators, they can climb up and down very sleep slopes
b. where movement occurs through arm-over-arm swinging.
Brachiation is a form of locomotion observed in some species of animal that are adapted to arboreal (tree living) life.
<em>This type of locomotion involves the swinging of arms and the suspension of the body to move from trees to trees.</em>
Animals that exhibit brachiation usually have modified body structure with long forelimbs/hook-like fingers and a highly mobile shoulder joints. Examples of such animals include gibbons and siamangs.
The correct option is b.