The right matches are: 1-C 2-B 3-A
1.oxidation is matched with C) a chemical reaction in which oxygen is combined with another substance.
Oxidation is the chemical reaction (it is better to call it oxidation-reduction rather than oxidation only), in which a chemical element reacts with oxygen.
The chemical body gives up electrons, it is considered of this fact like reducer.
In general, a chemical reaction in which we observe the transfer of electrons from one body (reductant) to another (the oxidant) is an oxidation reaction. This is the reason why a chemical reaction involving oxidation is automatically accompanied by a reduction.
2.phosphorylation is matched with B) when a phosphate is added to a molecule.
Phosphorylation is the addition of a phosphate group (a phosphoryl PO3(2-) more precisely) that is transferred to a protein or a small molecule, such as glucose or adenine. His preeminent role in biochemistry is the subject of much research.
Phosphorylations occur on the side chains of amino acids with an alcohol function: serine and threonine. Another class of kinase phosphorylates proteins at the level of tyrosines. Finally, phosphorylations of histidines and aspartates are found in prokaryotic organisms.
3. Dephosphorylation is matched with A) when a phosphate is removed from a molecule.
Dephosphorylation is the essential process of removing phosphate (phosphoryl) groups from an organic compound by hydrolysis.
Dephosphorylation uses a type of hydrolytic enzyme, or hydrolase, which cleaves the ester bonds. The important hydrolase subclass used in dephosphorylation is phosphatase. Phosphatase removes phosphate groups by hydrolyzing monoesters of phosphoric acid to a phosphate ion and a molecule with free hydroxyl (-OH).
There is cleavage of the phosphate residue of the protein molecule (and in general of any other organic compound). The enzymes responsible for this process are alkaline and acid phosphatases.