For the first one I think it might be high blood pressure or HBP
Hypertension~high blood pressure
They are altered by the many changes that happen during a womans bodying during pregnancy, which can change the distribution, adsorption, metabolism and excretion of drugs, therefore impacting their pharmacodynamic properties during pregnancy.
Hope this helps!
Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging tool that combines x-rays with computer technology to produce a more detailed, cross-sectional image of your body. A CT scan lets your doctor see the size, shape, and position of structures that are deep inside your body, such as organs, tissues, or tumors.
Ha de quedar clar en el document, les cures postquirúrgics per al pacient de forma molt detallada.
Després de la cirurgia el metge cirurgià així com l'anestesiòleg segurament hauran deixat per escrit en un document quines són les mesures que el pacient ha de prendre així com les cures postquirúrgics, encara que un infermer particular brindi aquestes cures, l'infermer ha de assegurar-se seguir amb els protocols establerts pel metge cirurgià, així com brindar les teràpies o medicaments suggerits per el metge tractant.
Prevent exposure to the sun because it causes heat radiation and this increase the tendency of perspiration.