On an individual level, othering plays a role in the formation of prejudices against people and groups. On a larger scale, it can also play a role in the dehumanization of entire groups of people which can then be exploited to drive changes in institutions, governments, and societies.
(hoped this helped)
The traditional wedding ceremony in Pakistan is an event of extreme importance for families, especially the family of the bride who is responsible for organizing, managing and paying for the ceremony that lasts many days. During the occasion, the bride must wear colorful clothes, large jewelry and precious material and strong makeup, in addition, the bride gets reindeer tattoos on her hands, along with her friends. The groom, on the other hand, must receive a private ceremony where his hair is bathed in oil. The ceremony has an extravagant decoration to inform about the social status of the family and the ability to promote such an important event.
The above paragraph was written using sequence markers, as required. The sequence markers are words, or group of words that have the ability to join some sentences of the paragraph to larger units within the same paragraph. These words are adverbs, prepositions, linking devices, articles, among others.
Are you saying Science is a gift but a curse at the same time?
ctually it tracks the movement from 1848 through a series of obstinated state campaigns in Colorado in the 1890s and beyond. Marilley stresses the adaptability of the abolitionist legacy and admires the size of equal-rights ideology after the Civil War to contain a variety of goals for women, including goals to protect women.
<u><em> Suzanne Marilley’s history of the suffrage movement is referring to the full history from 1820 to 1906. The most innovative contribution comes from the author’s research in the Colorado suffrage victory in 1893, which offers an excellent analysis of state politics. </em></u>
In this case study she closely examines the political context and the array of liberal and illiberal arguments used simultaneously to gain the support of various constituencies. She manage to write about the social context of male control over most features of women's lives. She points to a hypersexualized American popular culture that presents women with “self-actualizing sexuality that still hinges on male approval” and persistent labor discrimination and maintains that the feminism that helped change marriage and possibilities for girls can fulfill its “promise” for social change.
<u><em> She credits feminists who build coalitions to effect social change—for example, the twentieth century abortion reform movement culminating in Roe v. Wade victory represents concerted efforts of “physicians, psychiatrists, and family planning professionals along with activists.” </em></u>