<span>You will need to earn a certificate, diploma, associates degree or bachelors degree in the field of radiography</span>
Generally, any "thing" has many different qualities. If it shares roughly half these qualities with another "thing" they could be said to be very different and yet similar. <span>In the case of cells, plant cells and animal cells both have a nucleus, protoplasm, vacuoles. Plant cells have cell walls and a more rigid structure</span>
Mutations are important to the evolution of a species because is creates new DNA for a certain gene, creating a new allele.
(Answer taken from https://www.apsnet.org/edcenter/disimpactmngmnt/topc/PopGenetics/Pages/Mutation.aspx#targetText=Mutation%20plays%20an%20important%20role,gene%2C%20creating%20a%20new%20allele.)
Hope this helps :)