Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD)
This is a medical condition in which an individual expresses worries uncontrollably over usual occurrences of life to the the extreme. it usually diagnose when an individual experiences anxiety for days up to 6 months, with manifestation of three symptoms.
<u> People with this disorder may not be able to give cogent reason for this behaviour , but they find it difficult to control the involuntary action</u>. They are always perturbed with the premonition that a bad occurrence is about to happen , and worry about the drastic effects of this on their finances, family, and health. it varies from different age group.
Most of the listed symptoms displayed by Lenore were related to GAD.
The major causes of GAD.
→exposure to trauma
→excessive intake of stimulants.
→sexual assault.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
and changes in life style.
reduction in stimulants intake.