Viral replication involves six steps: attachment, penetration, uncoating, replication, assembly, and release. During attachment and penetration, the virus attaches itself to a host cell and injects its genetic material into it.
toxic enzymes that damage the host cell that are coded for in the viral genome
secretion of chemicals from the virus to the membrane of the host cell
replication of the viral genetic material within the host
lysis of the host to release new viruses
integrating into the host cell chromosomes
Peran DNA sense menjelang awal proses sintesis protein adalah DNA sense digonakan sebagai cetakan kode genetik yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan mRNA.
mRNA selanjutnya akan mendeteksi protein apa saja yang dibutuhkan tubuh sebelum sintesis protein
Semoga membantu
C. Frontal lobe
The frontal lobe of the brain, behind the forehead, is strongly associated with motor function, spontaneity, impulsive behavior, judgement decisions, and social behaviors and mood.